Day 126: Time and Again

Here’s something pretty for a change..and a much more formal composition than I am used to. Mostly due to my fancy props: an antique pocket watch. Something I have now learnt to be a gem in photography. Can never go wrong with antique props. Even if the watch actually doesn’t work.

pocket watch

When time stares itself in the face…

Day 71: Old Time

Old time, expired time, outdated time, ancient time, vintage time, enduring time, aging time…you get my drift.

No, not old "times", but just plain ol' old time. We all know time is outdated. Who even owns a watch these days?

Difference of Time

Split this off of my last post because it was getting too long. These two images are the same photo but just edited in two different ways (I cant decide which I like better). But I only added some color enhancements, I never do too much photoshop work. I’d rather it look real or even dreamy than artificial.

Early morning

Late Afternoon.