For Your Entertainment

I made one more slow motion video featuring my brother and his basketball. It’s great to be able to get out of the artsy fartsy element and make some funny videos again. I hope you enjoy this video and i’m sure you will -it has bhangra music and slow motion basketball. Now that’s about as entertaining as you can get.

Short Film 1: Beyond Stones and Water

“Look beyond the waters and see yourself as you are”

Ok, I’ll be the first to admit that this short little video is acting a little too esoteric for its own good. Truthfully, it’s a lot of experimentation and playing with video technique. I filmed mostly in slow motion and worked with a lot of clips I had to create this montage.

The theme deals with perception and self identity…like a lot of my work tends to do it. It’s open ended and open for interpretation. But besides all that it’s just the first of hopefully more little films to come. I hope you enjoy and thank you for checking it out (:

Month 3: Photo Montage

Third Month of photos, completed! Includes photos from day 55-85, taken during sept-oct 2011. (that’s right, i’m way behind on uploading them to this blog, but I have about 70 more taken and still coming).

My third and favorite video so far..the music actually matches to the photography for once. Thanks for watching; your comments and support is really appreciated :)

Music: GLEE, “We are young”



Month 2: photo montage

That’s right, I finally made my photo-video dedicated to my second month of the 365 project.

Any way, I hope you enjoy -it’s a little less than 30 photos from July 2011. The video and music is a bit slower (and longer) than my last, the music (although it’s still from Glee) is Amy Winehouse’s classic, “Back to Black”.

So until then, let’s hope I get myself together and starting on my three-sixty-five again. Then maybe one day i’ll be able to make a photo montage of my year’s worth of photos :)

Month 1: a photo montage

I’ve officially completed my first month (and then some) of this project. This means celebration, big time. (And that’s why a photo montage with “Raise your Glass” is appropriate. And also because I need my Glee fix).

I’ve been watching this video over and over, and not because i’m vain, but because it brings a whole lot of memories rushing back in photo form. I love it. And I can’t wait till I see a montage of 365 of my photos!

So sit back and enjoy; it features a month worth of my photography in about 1 minute.