A Summer of Sights, Scenes and Selfies


This gallery contains 24 photos.

A glimpse of one of my most memorable summers ever. Beauty, love and art. Top that off with experiencing some of the most beautiful places i’ve ever come across and you have a completely epic summer vacation.

Tying the (sari) knot

Last weekend I had the honor and to witness and photograph the wedding of my dear friend, Braja Mandali Priya. The bright colors and gorgeous outfits and sights of India stood as a stark contrast to the quaint setting of an Alachua county farm in central Florida. Below is just a small teaser of the full album. I hope it gives a small glimpse of the celebration, love and beauty that surrounded the wedding ceremony.

Spring Wild Flowers

The wildflowers around this time of year are my favorite. I see them all across the high way and i’ve always thought about stopping my car on the side of the road to get a good close look at them. A few weeks after graduation I received a gift of a new camera (Sony A 5100) and I decided to take some photos of the wild flowers i’ve been seeing. It turned out to be a great excuse to prance around in the sunshine and Florida flowers.

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Comfort & Discomfort

This weekend I had the pleasure of working with my long time buddy and photographer, Janavi Santana. I also experienced what it was like to work with professional lighting equipment for the first time. The results were exciting. Different. Dark. Slightly discomforting. Which is what I would consider a successful collaboration and a perfect blend of our two different styles. Not to mention that having a model that agrees to have her face painted blue only leads to limitless potential.

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Feast Your Eyes

Deliciously, nutritiously photogenic foods. I went all out on food photography the other week in order to make a catalog for one of my final design projects. Needless to say I was excited about going back to photography. It’s been a while, and attempting to take on food photography wouldn’t be easy either.

So anyway, I’ll just rate my success on how hungry you feel after you see these photos. Enjoy!

Face to Ground

Yesterday I finally found myself with a camera. I also found myself with face flat on the cold grass. The sun was starting to set, and it felt a little appropriate to just lay on the level of the grass. The days, weeks, and months have been rollings by. Exciting opportunities, challenges, and everything else in between has been coming so fast since August. That small moment to humble myself with the grass showed me that it at least makes a much better view when looking up to the sun.

Day 139: Library of Quirks

I spent yesterday visiting different book stores in Brooklyn. I’ll admit that i’m not the biggest reading enthusiast. I prefer picture books. I pay attention to the way letters look, rather than read them. But still, books hold a wonderful charm to them, just as do book stores. Safe, cozy, and organized.

Then I got the chance to peek into the city’s Community BookStore. Different, chaotic, quirky. I may not read many books, but they sure are beautiful to take photos of.

Day 139